Raunig Art Enterprises paying CASH!

Always discreet in our communications and transactions, we are willing to pay cash for western art, and other related western Americana for items of quality and historical importance. We actively seek paintings and sculpture from artists such as; Edgar S. Paxson, William Standing, Edward Borein, William “Bill” Gollings, Asa “Ace” Powell, James K. Ralston, Charles Craig, Charles Partridge Adams, Robert “Bob” Scriver, Joseph Henry Sharp, and many other artists depicting western, Indian, cowboy, Rocky Mountain scenes of the American Frontier period.

We also actively collect and deal in Native American beadwork and antiques from the 19th and early 20th century.

Michael Coleman oil “Rocky Mountain Elk”
Blackfeet Shot Bag/Bandoleer Circa 1885
Jim Norton, CA “Peaceful Moment”
Frank Tenney Johnson “Gathering the Sheep”
Colt Single Action Pistol ~ 7.5″ barrel
Various Early Blacksmith Primitive Knifes Circa 1800-1900

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